Page 3

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There are in fact many other "codes" that Radio Amateur's use whilst speaking or using morse on the air, and these are called "Amateur Abbreviations" why use them ? well thats a good question, it   first started with the use of morse code so that it could save time in sending long words and was a godsend if you did not know how to spell the word anyway !! but it also meant that if you were speaking to someone on the radio, but there was someone standing next to you who  you did not want them to know that you were speaking about them !!! then the code could be very handy, for instance if I was to say ... "Hello dr, cnt   hv  hi, sri, yl  hr, cul 88"  Now do you know what I said ??   no, Ok well I will tell you, hello, well it means err,  hello,  dr means dear, cnt means cannot, hv means have, hi means laughter, sri means sorry, yl means girlfriend, cul means see you later, and 88 means love and kisses, wow, good this stuff "init" but it is fair to say that nearly 90% of the Abbreviations are only used in morse code nowadays, so it is getting to the stage that not everybody knows the code in full, and to be honest, I dont know all the code myself !!! so its not the "be all and and all" of radio, On the last page I mentioned about Slow Scan T.V. well this is a very interesting subject, and can give you some great rewards, and I mention it again because it is something that you could try now !! all you need is a computer, which you already have, or you would not be reading this ? a receiver radio that can pick up the Amateur Frequencies, preferably on H.F. although a lot of S.S.T.V. is transmitted on the V.H.F. (H.F. high frequency / V.H.F. very high frequency / S.S.T.V. slow scan t.v.)   then all you need is the sofwear for the computer, (this can be obtained from the net if you click on "links" which is on the Nav Bar, and go to the software section and look for something like "JV FAX" or even better still, look for SSTV programs that run from the sound card, then you will not have to worry about a decoder, (bit similar to a modem but much-much smaller)  So, with your computer, radio, software installed, and a bit of wire to join the two together, you can have hours of fun, and it will all be for NO COST !! (Radio waves are free, telephone costs money) but the good part is, if you need help on anything, then just mail to the "comments page" on this site (you will find it as guest book on the Nav Bar) and I am sure that either myself or one of the other Amateurs will help you to get going, and it is something that you can do without a licence (receive only) but gives you a taste of what is available to the hams.

I will be adding a lot more information to this page as time goes by, so please visit here again to view all the new stuff, in the meantime however, if you click on "links" that is on the NAV BAR to the left of this screen, then you will be able to get a lot more information on Amateur Radio. and also find the software for the sstv program if you want to give it a go.

cheers for now, or as a ham would say........73 De John